GuideLine For Document Upload

Sl#OccupationAmountGuideLine Details
1Below Poverty Line (Not covered under Ayushman Bharat)0.00Upload Copy of BPL certificate attested by the Panchayat Secretary within previous one month
2Children living in Orphanages0.00Upload certificate from concerned Orphanage with sign and stamp
3Contractual Employees (Govt. Autonomous Bodies Societies Boards Corporations etc.)365.00Upload Certification from concerned Department
4Daily Wage Workers (Govt. Autonomous Bodies Societies Boards Corporations etc.)365.00Upload Certification from concerned Department
5Disabled > 40 %365.00Upload Medical Disability Certificate showing permanent disability more than 40 percent
6Ekal Naaris365.00Upload Certificate issued by Child Development Program Officer CDPO of the concerned area and shall include Widows or Divorced or Legally Separated or Unmarried more than 40 years
7Judge (Sitting or Retired)0.00Upload I Card in Category Proof
8Mid-Day meal workers365.00Upload Certificate from Block Elementary Education Officer of the concerned area if working in Primary School and if working in Middle High or Senior Secondary school certificate from head of concerned institution is required to be uploaded
9MNREGAWorker0.00Upload MNREGA MIS report duly attested by Panchayat Secretary or BDO indicating 50 days work of a person in preceding or current financial year
10None of these1000.00 
11OutsourceEmployee365.00Upload Certification from concerned Department
12Part Time Workers (Govt. Autonomous Bodies Societies Boards Corporations etc.)365.00Upload Certification from concerned Department
13Prison Inmates0.00Certificate from Concerned Jail Authority
14Registered Street Vendors (Not covered under Ayushman Bharat)0.00Upload Registration Certificate attested by the Executive Officer MC or NP or NAC within previous one month