Provide Your URN for Renew Your HIMCARE Card


Important Note :

Read the below instructions carefully, before Renew:

  1. Kindly Enter your HIMCARE No for Renew your card
  2. Minimum two Family members should be matched with your Old HIMCARE card and New Renew Application .
  3. Kindly provide your Ration card without entering HP .The Ration card number should be exact as per your uploaded Ration card scanned document
  4. Suppose your Ration card number is HP20144145870 , then you have to enter only 20144145870 in the Ration card Registration box .
  5. Kindly upload Both front and back side of the Ration card.The document should be original scanned document of the card and should be clearly visible .
  6. If any mismatch of the ration card number found , then the application will be rejected and you wont able to Submit the application again with the provided Aadhaar Number.
  7. If your Ration card is enrolled under PMJAY scheme , then you wont able to Submit the Application form under HIMCARE scheme .
  8. If any mismatch of the Aadhaar card number found , then the application will be rejected .
  9. All uploaded document should be the scan copy of original document and should visible clearly .
  10. Once you have confirmed the Application form ,then you wont able to edit the application and if you are eligible for Premium Amount , then you have to make payment within 30 days.Other wise your Application will be treated as Invalid and you wont able to Register Again .
  11. Once you have confirmed the Application form , please check in the Renewal Application status screen to check your Application status.
  12. For Occupation document please Click Here to check the details.
  13. Once Your Application processed , you will receive a message in the mobile number provided during Registration.
  14. If any wong information provided during Registration , then the Application will be Rejected and  no Money will be refunded  .